Medical Medium Healing Essentials


Hello and welcome to the Medical Medium Healing Essentials articles. I'm so happy to have you here. Visit this page anytime for inspiration and valuable insights on fruits, vegetables, herbs, spices, recipes, and practices that will help you to heal and feel your best. Happy reading!

Cilantro Chutney

This fresh and fragrant Raw Cilantro Chutney is an excellent way to get more of the healing and cleansing properties of cilantro into your diet. You can enjoy it as a dip, drizzled onto salads or crudités, as a condiment in any of the Medical Medium burger and sandwich recipes, or simply eat it straight off a spoon!This recipe comes from Brain Saver Protocols, Cleanses & Recipes, the companion book ...

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Sunbathing Meditation

It will be centuries before science discovers all of the healing benefits the sun provides. Not only is it calming and warming, but the sun’s rays contain mystery elements and promote biochemical reactions in our bodies that produce more than just vitamin D.Just look at the way our pets love to find a warm, sunlit patch of the floor and bask in it. Animals love to sunbathe—they know it’s a powerful ...

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Raw Portobello Mushroom Burgers

If you love to bite into a burger, this recipe gives you a fun and tasty way to have the burger experience with portobello mushrooms acting as the burger buns. Filled with flavor-packed sun-dried tomato spread, slices of fresh tomato, cucumber, onion, basil, and leafy greens, this burger offers you healing fuel with no drawbacks. This recipe comes from Brain Saver Protocols, Cleanses & Recipes, the ...

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Mashed Potato Fries

These fries are crispy and so delicious, without using any oil. To make this recipe, you’ll need to prepare the potatoes the day before and keep them in the refrigerator overnight, so it’s a perfect recipe to use up steamed potatoes that you have left over or that you batch prep each week for easier meals. Enjoy these fantastic fries with the barbecue sauce or ketchup or both! This recipe comes from...

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Cobb Salad

This Cobb Salad brings together crunchy romaine, refreshing cucumber, juicy cherry tomatoes, crispy eggplant-bacon bites, sprouts or microgreens, and optional chickpeas. You can choose from two dressings: a creamy ranch dressing made with cashews or a fat-free honey-mustard dressing for a light and bright option. You can omit the chickpeas to keep this recipe raw or add them for a heartier option.Th...

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Cauliflower Ceviche

Scoop this crunchy and juicy Cauliflower Ceviche into romaine lettuce leaves and enjoy every bite. A little bit spicy, a little bit salty, and with a hint of sweetness, this raw recipe has a balance of flavors and textures that is very satisfying.Cauliflower has a unique ability to be easily digested in its raw state, which is ideal, because eating it raw gives you the best chance at easily assimila...

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Guillain-Barré Syndrome

This condition is still highly misunderstood by medical research and science. The theory goes that in Guillain-Barré, the body’s immune system attacks its own nerve cells, causing damage that can eventually lead to paralysis. This autoimmune misconception is a mistake made across hundreds of symptom and condition labels in the medical industry. In reality, the body doesn’t attack itself, and the bod...

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Melon With Spirulina Dipping Sauce

Melon and spirulina might seem like a surprising combination, but they are a match made in heaven for the health benefits they offer. An amazing blend of critical glucose, trace minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants, these special foods can deeply support you in the ways your body needs. You can simply cut open your favorite variety of melon and sprinkle spirulina on top for the quickest option, or y...

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Barley Grass Juice Lemonade

This deeply refreshing and hydrating lemonade is enriched with barley grass juice powder, bringing extra antioxidant and nutrient support to this delicious drink. Barley grass juice powder comes from the tender green shoots of barley grass, which are then juiced, which is the only way I recommend consuming it, versus having just barley grass powder that isn’t juiced. Barley grass juice powder is als...

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Green Mango Smoothie

This delicious healing smoothie is a fantastic vehicle for getting in some much needed greens. Most people don’t consume enough greens, when really our health can’t reach its potential without an abundance of them. This combination of mango, three of my favorite greens (spinach, spirulina, and barley grass juice powder), and orange juice or coconut water tastes delicious, while providing key mineral...

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Strawberry Salsa

This fun twist on regular salsa swaps out the tomato for strawberries! You can eat this wonderful salsa plain with a spoon, mix it into a salad, or scoop it into lettuce leaves, bell pepper halves, or onto cucumber slices. However you enjoy it, you’ll find that this salsa is refreshing and a wonderful combination of sweet and savory.Berries are true brain food. Not only are they B12-enhancing; they ...

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Brain Saver Salad

This healing salad helps minimize, reduce, and cleanse acids out of the brain and cerebrospinal fluid. It also helps create alkalinity within all body systems.This recipe comes from Brain Saver Protocols, Cleanses & Recipes, the companion book to Medical Medium Brain Saver. These two essential books about our most complex organ—the brain—dive deep into why people all over the world are suffering wit...

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Caramel Date Chaga Shake

This shake tastes incredible and is visually so fun and appetizing. This is a great smoothie to make for your children, friends or family, or just enjoy it as a beautiful healthy shake for yourself. This shake can be made fat-free with water or coconut water or choose almond or coconut milk for an even creamier version. Chaga is a wild food that strengthens red blood cells and bone barrow, balances ...

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Cerebral Atrophy

While brain atrophy can occur in all ages, from young to old, it’s most common in people over 40. Medical research and science often believe that injuries, strokes, or a natural process of aging are what lead to this brain shrinkage. That’s not entirely accurate. In truth, the main cause of atrophying of the brain is the inability of brain cells to receive adequate sugars and restore glycogen reserv...

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Chaga Cinnamon Shake

Creamy and satisfying, this shake tastes so good.  It’s a great replacement for a dairy milkshake or when you’re craving a cold, creamy treat. The chaga powder, ginger, and cinnamon offer additional healing benefits and bring warmth and even more flavor to this delicious shake. You can use water or coconut water for a fat-free but still creamy shake or almond milk or coconut milk for a more dec...

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Creme Brûlée

If you’re looking for a show-stopping dessert that is rich and indulgent but also made with clean ingredients, this Creme Brûlée recipe is for you. With just 6 ingredients, this recipe is also simple to make. You just need to have a blow torch handy for the final finishing touch! This Creme Brûlée is dairy-free, soy-free, and gluten-free. Its creaminess comes from coconut milk and almond milk instea...

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This chronic inflammatory condition is caused by neurotoxins produced by viruses such as Epstein-Barr (EBV) saturating areas of the brain that affect the autonomic nervous system.In many cases, the inflammation is extremely mild, causing symptoms as simple as nervousness or excess sweating. Some cases are a little more intense, with neurotoxins saturating the central and autonomic nervous systems to...

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Mushroom Shawarma

This mushroom shawarma is so tasty and satisfying. It’s a great alternative to meat shawarma for those who are wishing to bring more healing vegetables into their diet. Served alongside a creamy zucchini-cashew sauce and fresh lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, and herbs, all wrapped up in red lentil tortillas, this recipe is bursting with flavor. It’s also gluten-free, dairy-free, and oil-free.Mushrooms ...

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Tikka Masala

Tender vegetables are coated in fragrant, creamy tikka masala sauce rich in spices and flavor in this delicious curry recipe. Perfect for a family meal or to serve to friends, you can enjoy this tikka masala with cauliflower rice or pick your gluten-free grain of choice, such as millet, quinoa, or brown rice.High in the trace minerals zinc, manganese, iodine, and selenium, onions help rejuvenate the...

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Asian-Inspired Potato Skillet

Asian flavors bring this potato skillet recipe to life. Savory, a little bit spicy, and with a hint of sweetness, this is a great lunch or dinner choice, and it can even be enjoyed as a savory cooked breakfast. This recipe comes from Brain Saver Protocols, Cleanses & Recipes, the companion book to Medical Medium Brain Saver. These two essential books about our most complex organ—the brain—dive deep ...

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Stephanie Tisone: The Untold Story

Her name is Stephanie Tisone and she passed away from Breast Cancer in 2018. A tragic loss that has broken the hearts of the ones that knew her and loved her. There have been rumors of how this tragedy occurred and the influence of Medical Medium. How is it possible Stephanie died from Breast Cancer, especially when Stephanie seemed so healthy, vibrant and involved in the health world and being a Ra...

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Healed MSA Death Sentence With MM Protocols

In 2018, after 11 years of being misdiagnosed, pawned off from one doctor to the next, and loaded up with drugs that didn't help, I was diagnosed with pure autonomic failure and multiple system atrophy. I had over 26 symptoms ranging over all my body systems. MSA is a death sentence, max 3-5 years from date of diagnosis. It's a horrible, painful, slow way to die. I was terrified and felt so alone. N...

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Ep. 3: Plot To Take Down Medical Medium

On Episode 3: Plot To Take Down Medical MediumWe are digging deeper and deeper into the recordings of a group of people who call themselves an “elite” group and the “inner circle” intent on taking down the Medical Medium and the Community. Leaders of this elite group are competitors and rivals of Anthony William and have fed a journalist at a mainstream media outlet a story about the Medical Medium ...

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Ep. 2: Plot To Take Down Medical Medium

On Episode 2: Plot To Take Down Medical MediumWe are digging deeper into the recordings of a group of people who call themselves an “elite” group and the “inner circle” intent on taking down the Medical Medium and the Community. Leaders of this elite group are competitors and rivals of Anthony William and have fed a journalist at a mainstream media outlet a story about the Medical Medium that they h...

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Ep. 1: Plot To Take Down Medical Medium

What you are about to hear may not be easy for many of you, this isn’t the normal Medical Medium podcast episode. The Medical Medium podcast does not normally have guests, but we have learned that a group of rivals and competitors have been working on a plan for over a year to take down Medical Medium and the Medical Medium community and they have been caught red handed. In this episode you will hea...

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Brain Fog

Severe cases of brain fog can be devastating, making people feel like they’re losing their minds. Even mild brain fog is very challenging on the person’s mental and emotional state. One major factor behind brain fog is a liver that’s saturated with toxic heavy metals, scented candles, air fresheners, fragrances, pesticides, herbicides, and other toxins that are providing fuel to the Epstein-Barr vir...

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Banana Oatmeal With Fruit

This sweet and naturally creamy banana oatmeal is simple, easy to make, and delicious. The fructose in banana is the liver’s favorite source of food. It provides quick fuel to the liver and wakes up sleepy cells, increasing their ingenuity and work output. Banana soothes the linings of the intestinal tract and also soothes the nerves attached to the intestinal tract. Contrary to popular belief, bana...

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These tasty potstickers are made with a gluten-free cassava dough filled with a delicious vegetable medley of cabbage, broccoli, carrot, onion, garlic, and ginger. Dipped into a delicious and simple-to-make maple and lemon sauce, this is a recipe that’s easy to savor! Red cabbage minimizes pathogens, expels ammonia gas from the body, knocks down fungus and bacteria, and sweeps out old debris and pu...

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Raw Stir Fry

Sweet, savory, and full of flavor, this delicious Raw “Stir-Fry” is a wonderful way to get more raw fruits, herbs, and vegetables into your diet, which is the form in which they offer the greatest healing benefits. This recipe comes from Brain Saver Protocols, Cleanses & Recipes, the companion book to Medical Medium Brain Saver. These two essential books about our most complex organ—the brain—dive ...

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Brain Saver Wraps

These wraps let the delicious natural flavors of the fruits and greens shine. They are simple and easy to throw together, but don’t let this fool you—this snack or meal is packed with nutrients and feeds the brain with exactly what it needs. The hint of orange juice squeezed on top adds wonderful flavor while helping you to digest your meal at the best level of absorption possible. Leafy greens lik...

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Watermelon, Orange, Turmeric & Ginger Juice

Hydrating and refreshing, this juice will uplift the body and soul and strengthen the immune system while providing critical glucose and healing to the body and brain. Melon is one of the most alkalizing foods. The fruit’s highly bioavailable and bioactive trace mineral count is responsible for driving electrolytes higher than normal, making them easily usable by the body. Oranges are full of trace...

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Pea Hummus

Peas, lemon juice, herbs, and spices combine together to make a creamy and pretty dip in this recipe. It is satisfying and flavorful without needing any oil or fat. Peas contain easily assimilable healing phytochemical compounds and carbohydrates plus an abundance of chlorophyll that absorbs easily into the intestinal linings. This recipe comes from Brain Saver Protocols, Cleanses & Recipes, the co...

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Healed M.E. / C.F.S, PTSD, Mood Swings, Fatigue, Arthritis & Burning Sensations

Repost from @healingisapardi Take care of your liver and it will take care of you! Just finished my first run through of the Liver 3:6:9 healing plan from this book and I feel amazing. I really wanted the cleanse to help me with what I think is rosacea on my chin that I’ve had since high school and part of it is completely gone for the first time! Before doing the cleanse I was also feeling irritab...

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God Gave Me A Sign

Repost from @tex369champ Today, Dec 6th marks my full 3 year anniversary on @medicalmedium protocols. Anthony William and his message have saved my life while NO other modalities have, NONE. So let me tell you… I know what it’s like to suffer, be trapped in your body in a non-stop 24/7 loop of suffering I know what it’s like to cry and scream to GOD begging for answers till you see white spots and ...

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Crème Caramel

Crème caramel, also referred to as flan, is a sweet, decadent dessert that is normally made with egg custard and caramelized sugar. Now, you can enjoy the rich flavors of this dessert with far cleaner and healthier ingredients. This recipe is dairy-free, egg-free and processed sugar-free. It’s instead made with coconut milk, almond milk, maple syrup, and coconut sugar. The best part? It tastes incre...

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Recovering From Vitiligo

Repost from @vinod.agarwal.393 Before I proceed I wish to heartily thank @medicalmedium Anthony William for his diligent work. He never leaves any stone unturned. He uses all the opportunities to enlighten people through FB, Insta, sound cloud, interviews, YouTube, books and what not. After starting my journey to heal from the last 14 months, I have a strong feeling of satisfaction. I will not be w...

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MM Shock Therapies Got Us Through Intense Sickness

Repost from @lightheart_mama Looking back on this sweet video of my boys from last month We have been using some of the supplement shock therapies from the @medicalmedium Brain books to battle allll the bugs moving through our house since J’s homeschool co-op started and they’ve helped us recover from some really intense sicknesses. The boys started taking propolis yesterday mixed in apple juice, a...

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Unlike Everyone Else, There's No Spiritual Capitalism

Repost from @heal.connect.dignify Some people criticize the self-help world for the reason that a lot of courses, programs, and coaching sessions promise "one thing" to be the key out of your pain and suffering, which then keeps customers zeroed in and financially dependent on that one thing. The "one thing" trap is very real, and I commend the people that call it out...up until they lump @medicalm...

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I Struggled With Eczema For Years

Repost from @healthy_healer Are you stuck in a health crisis? Crippled by chronic illness? Searching for answers? Stuck on a merry-go-round of visiting doctors offices? Let me tell you, I have been there, I know the pain, the loneliness, the anger, the confusion, the anxiety, the frustration, the ‘"I can’t do this anymore."I am here to tell you that life is out there, a life free of illness, is out...

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Husband Ready For First Muay Thai Fight At Age 37

Repost from @juicebytash How it started vs how it's going. Saturday is fight night!! My husband's first Muay Thai fight at... 37 years old lol Wallies weight has always fluctuated over the years, from his heaviest at 200lbs to now his lightest at 135lbs! For a couple years now he's talked about having a fight, and that dream is now coming true. Thanks to his coach @kierankeddle for getting him this...

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