Plot against Medical Medium

Video: 063 The Plotter Series S2 E3: Ashleigh Foster's Severe Pattern Of Lying And Inaccuracy

This video was recorded LIVE on July 22, 2024

In this video:

The leader of the campaign to take Medical Medium down, Ashleigh Phillips Foster, gets caught in one of the most ambitious lies of all time. It is a lie that Ashleigh has been telling at least 9 different contradictory versions of, repeatedly, to anyone and everyone who would listen to her…for years. Married to Britton Foster, a documentary cinematographer, Ashleigh has been using fabricated stories to try to obtain a deal for a negative hit piece documentary on Netflix about Medical Medium. In this episode, Ashleigh Foster’s severe pattern of lying and inaccuracy is put on full display. Ashleigh also gets exposed for her twisted use of a well-known true story about a family that saved the lives of an estimated 800 Jews and other refugees during the Holocaust. She uses this story to try to make a ludicrous point about lying and portray Medical Medium negatively. In the process of doing so, Ashleigh ironically gets no less than 18 facts wrong, she expresses extremely offensive viewpoints about our duties to protect those like the Jews during the Holocaust, and Ashleigh provides a perfect example that everyone can verify of just how deeply she manipulates, butchers, and twists the stories she tells to serve her own agenda.

Video: 062 The Plotter Series S2 E2: Ashleigh Foster's Motives

This video was recorded LIVE on July 3, 2024

In this video:

Ashleigh Foster is the number one person responsible for the plot to take down Medical Medium and all of the chronically ill people who have been harmed by it. Ashleigh Foster is the ringleader of an organized, anti-Medical Medium hateful group that she created on a mountain of lies. Ashleigh fed a false story to Vanity Fair, and another source admitted on recording that he and Ashleigh had to threaten a journalist to get him to publish it. Ashleigh’s hateful group has since been relentlessly attacking, harassing, bullying, body-shaming, and publicly humiliating people in the Medical Medium community, including mothers and children. This hateful group has even gone as far as to make videos of themselves burning Medical Medium books and to call for Anthony himself to be exterminated by fire.

Why is Ashleigh really doing this? Many have asked. What are Ashleigh’s motives? What type of person is capable of harboring, spewing, and inciting so much hatred? What type of person escalates objectively indefensible behavior even after being publicly proven wrong? Why would someone go to such lengths, secretly plotting and scheming for years, to try to bring an entire movement of people healing from chronic illness down?

In this episode, these questions are answered. Shocking new facts that are wildly inconsistent with Ashleigh’s proclamation that she’s doing this smear campaign “for Stephanie Tisone” are revealed. Ashleigh Foster’s true motives are exposed for the first time. The history that Ashleigh has been hiding from everyone is uncovered. And we begin exposing some of the many more outrageous lies that Ashleigh has peddled incessantly since the release of the first four plotter podcast episodes last year.

Video: 060 The Plotter Series S2 E1: Time To Set The Record Straight

This video was recorded LIVE on June 12, 2024

In this video:

Years ago, a group of people secretly teamed up and did everything they could to try to knock Medical Medium out of the health space. They formed a multi-step, long-term plot to create a “Post Medical Medium Era” by feeding false information to mainstream media companies anonymously, in hopes that it would lead to securing themselves a deal for an anti-Medical Medium documentary that would be sold to Netflix. But their plan was thwarted last year when this organized, hateful group, that we now refer to as “the plotters,” tried to recruit a woman in the Medical Medium community who ended up recording their attempts instead of joining them. She captured evidence of their plot, their identities, serious corruption that took place within a media company they sold a false story to, the many lies this group has been telling, and much more, and she came on the Medical Medium podcast last year to expose them. What we covered was appalling and shocked so many people to the core. And yet…there is so much more to the story. This is truly one of the biggest scandals that has ever happened in the health industry. As you’ll see, it’s also one of the biggest instances of capturing corruption within the mainstream media. This episode is the beginning of a full-blown extended exposé of the conspiracy to take Medical Medium and the community down. We are going to be releasing more recordings, dismantling their web of lies, fabricated stories, tactics, and their ulterior motives, revealing their names for the first time, exposing everything they are hiding, and much more. It’s time to fully set the record straight. 

Welcome to Season 2 of The Plotters Series.

Listen to more about the plot to discredit Medical Medium

We understand that the contents of this announcement may be challenging for some of our listeners to hear.

What you are about to hear may not be easy for many of you, this isn’t the normal Medical Medium podcast episode. The Medical Medium podcast does not normally have guests, but we have learned that a group of rivals and competitors have been working on a plan for over a year to take down Medical Medium and the Medical Medium community and they have been caught red handed. In this episode you will hear our guest talk about this plot that she uncovered. Listen on Apple - Listen on Spotify - Listen on SoundCloud

We are digging deeper into the recordings of a group of people who call themselves an “elite” group and the “inner circle” intent on taking down the Medical Medium and the Community. Leaders of this elite group are competitors and rivals of Anthony William and have fed a journalist at a mainstream media outlet a story about the Medical Medium that they have described as a “journalist’s dream.” Their plan? A disparaging article that will fuel bids on a documentary, with the ultimate goal of casting out the Medical Medium to bring about a “post Medical Medium era” with this “elite” group at the helm. Listen on Apple - Listen on Spotify - Listen on Soundcloud

We are digging deeper and deeper into the recordings of a group of people who call themselves an “elite” group and the “inner circle” intent on taking down the Medical Medium and the Community. Leaders of this elite group are competitors and rivals of Anthony William and have fed a journalist at a mainstream media outlet a story about the Medical Medium that they have described as a “journalist’s dream.” Their plan? A disparaging and misleading article that will almost certainly omit key facts, and will fuel bids on a documentary, with the ultimate goal of casting out the Medium Medium to bring about a “post Medical Medium era”. Members of this “elite” group have been trying to recruit others in the space of health and wellness so that they can direct them to take Medical Medium information for their own businesses in health and not have to cite it back to its original source (Medical Medium). Listen on Apple - Listen on Spotify - Listen on Soundcloud

Her name is Stephanie Tisone and she passed away from Breast Cancer in 2018. A tragic loss that has broken the hearts of the ones that knew her and loved her. There have been rumors of how this tragedy occurred and the influence of Medical Medium. How is it possible Stephanie died from Breast Cancer, especially when Stephanie seemed so healthy, vibrant and involved in the health world and being a Raw Vegan eating nothing but fruits and vegetables? A group of people colluded and brought Stephanie’s story to a mainstream media outlet. But was it the real story? Stephanie was used for click bait and exploited and her name and memory trashed. Was there an agenda that was far from telling the true story and filled with misinformation of what happened to Stephanie Tisone? Get ready to hear the untold story of Stephanie and the factual evidence of what really happened. Listen on Apple - Listen on Spotify - Listen on SoundCloud

Years ago, a group of people secretly teamed up and did everything they could to try to knock Medical Medium out of the health space. They formed a multi-step, long-term plot to create a “Post Medical Medium Era” by feeding false information to mainstream media companies anonymously, in hopes that it would lead to securing themselves a deal for an anti-Medical Medium documentary that would be sold to Netflix. But their plan was thwarted last year when this organized, hateful group, that we now refer to as “the plotters,” tried to recruit a woman in the Medical Medium community who ended up recording their attempts instead of joining them. She captured evidence of their plot, their identities, serious corruption that took place within a media company they sold a false story to, the many lies this group has been telling, and much more, and she came on the Medical Medium podcast last year to expose them. This episode is the beginning of a full-blown extended exposé of the conspiracy to take Medical Medium and the community down. It’s time to fully set the record straight. Welcome to Season 2 of The Plotters Series. Listen on Apple - Listen on Spotify - Listen on SoundCloud.

Ashleigh Foster is the number one person responsible for the plot to take down Medical Medium and all of the chronically ill people who have been harmed by it. Ashleigh Foster is the ringleader of an organized, anti-Medical Medium hateful group that she created on a mountain of lies. Ashleigh fed a false story to Vanity Fair, and another source admitted on recording that he and Ashleigh had to threaten a journalist to get him to publish it. Why is Ashleigh really doing this? Many have asked. What are Ashleigh’s motives? In this episode, these questions are answered. Shocking new facts that are wildly inconsistent with Ashleigh’s proclamation that she’s doing this smear campaign “for Stephanie Tisone” are revealed. Ashleigh Foster’s true motives are exposed for the first time. The history that Ashleigh has been hiding from everyone is uncovered. And we begin exposing some of the many more outrageous lies that Ashleigh has peddled incessantly since the release of the first four plotter podcast episodes last year. Listen on Apple - Listen on Spotify - Listen on SoundCloud.

The leader of the campaign to take Medical Medium down, Ashleigh Phillips Foster, gets caught in one of the most ambitious lies of all time. It is a lie that Ashleigh has been telling at least 9 different contradictory versions of, repeatedly, to anyone and everyone who would listen to her…for years. Married to Britton Foster, a documentary cinematographer, Ashleigh has been using fabricated stories to try to obtain a deal for a negative hit piece documentary on Netflix about Medical Medium. In this episode, Ashleigh Foster’s severe pattern of lying and inaccuracy is put on full display. Ashleigh also gets exposed for her twisted use of a well-known true story about a family that saved the lives of an estimated 800 Jews and other refugees during the Holocaust. She uses this story to try to make a ludicrous point about lying and portray Medical Medium negatively. In the process of doing so, Ashleigh ironically gets no less than 18 facts wrong, she expresses extremely offensive viewpoints about our duties to protect those like the Jews during the Holocaust, and Ashleigh provides a perfect example that everyone can verify of just how deeply she manipulates, butchers, and twists the stories she tells to serve her own agenda.

Shedding Light on this situation

It has come to our attention that a group of individuals who are rivals and competitors of the Medical Medium and the Medical Medium community have been engaged in a covert operation for over a year, with the intent of dismantling these entities.

We understand that this news may be unsettling for many of our listeners, and we want to assure you that we are taking this matter very seriously.

We will be featuring a guest who has uncovered details regarding this plot, and we believe that it is important to share this information with our listeners.

We hope that by shedding light on this situation, we can work together as a community to protect the integrity of the Medical Medium and its mission of promoting health and wellness.

Medical Medium Plot

New information about the Plot against Medical Medium

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