Medical Medium Thyroid Healing

Raynaud’s Syndrome

This skin discoloration occurs as a result of a liver partially clogged by EBV and its waste matter that’s backing up into the bloodstream. In most cases of Raynaud’s, someone has had a longstanding infection of EBV, since childhood, and while much of the virus has moved on to the thyroid and beyond, some of the virus has remained in the liver, causing long-term problems. When the blood fills with these viral toxins, it gets thick, causing blood toxicity, and the result is poor circulation to the extremities— which causes them to become discolored. Many people with Raynaud’s also experience a bit of tingling or sometimes even numbness, because the sludge that backs up into the bloodstream has neurotoxins in it.

Excerpt from Thyroid Healing by Anthony William, p65. Continue reading and get your copy today at

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