Medical Medium Thyroid Healing

Changes in Energy Levels

Sometimes fatigue, exhaustion, and tiredness come and go. On a regular basis, this can either be a sign that you’re at the beginning of a very low-grade viral infection that hasn’t had time to settle in yet, or it means you can detox fairly well. On a bad day, you’ve filled up with the EBV neurotoxins and other viral waste, and they’re making it difficult to function. On a good day, your body has cleansed the toxic matter, and you’re free to live your life. Most of the time, this accompanies underactive or overactive adrenals due to stresses or triggers in your life that have instigated adrenal instability. This usually prompts the doctor to overlook everything else that’s wrong and diagnose you with adrenal fatigue or cortisol issues as the main problem.

Excerpt from Thyroid Healing by Anthony William, p47. Continue reading and get your copy today at

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