Medical Medium Liver Rescue


Rosacea is actually one variety of eczema. When someone has a rosacea-style rash on the nose, cheeks, chin, or forehead, it’s just a garden variety of eczema that happens to appear on the face, not yet another separate, mysterious skin condition.


Almost every single skin condition comes from the liver. The intestinal tract often becomes involved by default in a forced collaboration; however, conditions labeled eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, lupus, cellulitis, vitiligo, age spots, other discolorations, and more start and end with the liver.


Your liver releases dermatoxins (formed by viruses feeding off heavy metals and other toxins in your liver) to the surface of your skin to protect you. The skin knows your liver is getting overwhelmed with pathogens and their byproduct and toxins, and in a panic, it pushes poisons up to the surface in a rush. The dermatoxins, which are at least far away from your internal organs now, do make life uncomfortable; they’re highly inflammatory to skin tissue, causing blemishes, fissures, cracks, scabs, flaking, scarring, bleeding, and rashes of all kinds. The associated irritation occurs because of tiny nerve endings all through the epidermis. When inflammation occurs, the nerves get squeezed and pulled apart, causing the itchiness, discomfort, and outright pain of the rash. 


The level to which these symptoms disrupt your life can depend on the strain of EBV or other virus present, the levels of heavy metals or other toxins present inside the liver, how sluggish the liver is, and your current diet, which could contain unhelpful foods that are feeding the underlying cause, the viral strain.


Rosacea is usually mercury-based, with that mercury present in both the liver and the small intestinal tract, plus a virus, most commonly EBV.

Excerpts from Liver Rescue by Anthony William, Chapter 19. Read the full explanation and get your copy today at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, The Book Depository, and anywhere books are sold.


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