Medical Medium Liver Rescue


When someone is eating a lot of troublemaking foods such as dense proteins, dairy, eggs, gluten—and for people who are more sensitive, any type of grains—the problems you’ve just read about can intensify and lead to irritable bowel syndrome, known as IBS. In medical research and science, it’s a label for bowels that aren’t functioning as they should, with cause unknown. (Celiac is another instance of mystery intestinal inflammation, with some functional medicine sources calling it autoimmune; that is, the body attacking itself. That’s not an accurate explanation. In truth, celiac is inflammation caused by the same sources as much of what we’ve discussed in this chapter: pathogens. Gluten in particular is a problem for those with celiac because it feeds bacteria and viruses so they can prosper and cause more symptoms.) 


IBS results when the colon is lined with pathogenic waste product, elevated levels of strep, E. coli, other pathogenic varieties, rotting food that wasn’t digested properly due to low bile and hydrochloric acid, and ammonia gas. 


Contributing to it all are unproductive foods that feed the condition—for example, dense fats and proteins that bile and hydrochloric acid can’t break down anymore entering the intestines and feeding pathogens rapidly, then reaching the colon, the final dumping ground for the mess. Inflammation that prompts pain, constipation, and/or diarrhea results, and even hemorrhoids, polyps, and fissures can form from the strain, as well as an itchy rectum from the irritation.

Excerpts from Liver Rescue by Anthony William, Chapter 19. Read the full explanation and get your copy today at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, The Book Depository, and anywhere books are sold.


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