Soul's Gold

Since gold was discovered, it has had a magnetic pull on us, one that goes far beyond any monetary worth.

As a child, did you ever wish for a gold star on your paper at school? It wasn’t because you could take it to the pawn shop and get cash for it. You yearned for that cheap sticker because of what it represented: achievement, worthiness, approval.

If you have a grandmother’s favorite locket or ring, again, it’s not the dollar figure behind that gold that gives it a special place in your heart. It’s the spiritual meaning: appreciation, nostalgia, loyalty, love.

And do Olympians go for the gold because of the market value of the metal? No, they spend their whole lives training to win because of what the prize stands for: blood, sweat, tears, spirit, will, intention, and sacrifice that come together into a moment of human greatness.

Medical Medium Soul's Gold

When spiritual and emotional meaning are connected to a piece of gold or other treasure, its worth is on a level above price tags. The Knights Templar went searching for the Holy Grail not because of the money they’d get for this gold vessel but because of the mystical significance it was said to hold as the cup Jesus drank from at the Last Supper. Though the knights turned up hundreds upon hundreds of gold cups, they were cast off as worthless because they didn’t hold the power. It was all about the spiritual meaning. 

I’m here to tell you that you don’t have to go on an epic quest, earn anyone’s approval, inherit a family heirloom, learn to high-jump, or have an overflowing bank account in order to claim the world’s most precious treasure. Gold, platinum, diamonds, sapphires, the Holy Grail, the Ark of the Covenant, Noah’s ark, even the Beatles’ lost album—none of these hold a candle to your soul’s gold and gems and jewels that you already carry inside of you.

Yes, you. I know it’s been a struggle to deal with health problems or great loss or hardship. I understand what you might have suffered as you wondered if you were aging before your time, if your thyroid was calling it quits, and if your body was giving up on you—or even working against you. I can only imagine what you’ve gone through in your search for answers.

It’s probably left you defeated at times, lonely, despairing, and doubtful of your own worth. Know this: It’s not your fault; you didn’t deserve any of it. You didn’t create your illness or imagine it. You’re not a bad person. You can heal and move forward.

All that time that symptoms were limiting you, they were giving you something, too. That compassion you gained from being vulnerable, that wisdom that came from watching life at a distance, that faith that there had to be an answer, that supreme patience of putting one foot in front of the other—these are yours to use for the rest of your life. Losses, struggles, wounds, suffering, pain, sorrow, fear, hardships, trials, letdowns, and battles are not what any of us would choose. When they visit us, though, we get our greatest tools and treasures.

Those tools and treasures can be heavy. To be in touch with the world’s suffering is not easy. Just like a bag of diamonds and gold, it can weigh you down. Which is why it’s time for you to come into the spiritual significance of your challenges—because when you attach spiritual meaning to your treasures, it makes them light as light itself.

You’ve been picked out of the crowd as a special person who can change the world. Because you hold power, illness tried to hold you back. You probably experienced symptoms along the way, and this may have gotten you labeled with a whole bunch of different names for what was supposedly wrong with you. Yet the plan of you being picked on backfired. Instead of being constrained, you were pushed forward and forced to grow and develop in your soul and spirit. You gained understandings and insights that brought you closer to God.

Now you get to rid yourself of your illness and all those symptoms and labels that have come with it. You get to heal, rise above, and reclaim your power—power that’s more than you know. As you bring your body back to health, you’ll be supporting it even more in taking care of your soul’s wealth—wealth you will use to spread divine light to everyone around you.

No matter who you are or where you come from, what you’ve done or think you have not done, know that through the true living words in this book, Spirit and I will always be there for you. 

Remember: You are a world changer. Spirit and I see and hear you. We believe in you. We stand beside you. And we can’t wait for you to experience what’s next. 

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