Ginger Water 101

Ginger water is helpful in aiding in digestion and assimilation and is widely regarded to help prevent colds, flu, motion sickness, and vertigo. Ginger water can also help to alleviate menstrual cramps, nausea, heart burn, migraines, sore throats, exhaustion, fatigue, and constipation and it is great in providing relief from the stomach flu and food poisoning. 

It also contains potent anti-inflammatory compounds called gingerols and is a powerful painkiller which makes it especially beneficial for those who suffer with joint, muscle, and nerve pain. Ginger water has incredible immune-boosting and germ fighting abilities and has even been shown to help provide protection and relief from E.coli, Staph infections, and Candida albicans.

How do I make ginger water?


  • 1-2 inches of fresh ginger root
  • 2-3 cups of water
  • Juice of 1/2 lemon
  • Raw honey


Grate the 1-2 inch piece of ginger root. Add 2-3 cups of water and a squeeze of lemon. Sweeten with raw honey. Strain, and enjoy warm or cold. Sip this throughout the day for its powerful protective properties against illness.

Ginger Water FAQ

Should the water be cold, hot, or room temperature?

The water can be cold or room temperature. However, if you want to make the drink a warm ginger tea instead you can. Just wait until the water is warm versus hot before adding any optional lemon juice  and/or raw honey so the healing properties of the fresh lemon juice and raw honey stay intact. 

How many times a day or week can a person drink ginger water?

You can drink this every day at any time or throughout the day if you like.

Can I use ginger essential oil instead of ginger root?

No, ginger essential oil does not have the same therapeutic benefits. Fresh ginger root is best.

Do you have to use fresh ginger or can you use ground ginger?

Fresh ginger root is best.

Is it ok to drink ginger water in the evening?

Yes, it’s great to have it in the evening.

Do you need to peel the ginger?

You do not need to peel the ginger, however if your ginger is not organic it’s helpful to scrub it well.

What’s a substitute for honey?

You can use maple syrup.

Do I have to use raw honey or can I use any honey?

Raw honey has healing properties that cooked honey doesn’t have so it’s best to use raw.

How long do you let it steep?

You can let it steep 10-20 minutes.

Do you have to strain it?

You do not have to strain it.

Can I drink ginger water while breastfeeding?

Yes, you can drink ginger water while breastfeeding.

Can I add apple cider vinegar to my ginger water?

No, apple cider vinegar is extremely acidic and it pickles the liver. The liver cells struggle to stay balanced and perform as they fight for oxygen, because vinegar steals oxygen from the bloodstream and the liver. ACV (like any vinegar) comes into the stomach extremely acidic. The liver must put a halt to it immediately and use its every reserve to try to alkalize or at least neutralize it. The ACV fights back, and its acidic nature is so strong that the stomach loses the battle many times over. Instead of alkalizing your gut, it does the opposite. It weakens hydrochloric acid and breaks down gastric juices and heads down the pike still acidic. It’s basically an assault on the stomach and intestinal tract. For more information on the effects of apple cider vinegar on the liver, see my book Liver Rescue.

Is this ok to drink while pregnant?

Yes, it is safe and healing to drink while pregnant.



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