Epstein-Barr is responsible for mystery illnesses of every category: For some people, it creates fatigue and pain that go unnamed. For others, EBV symptoms prompt doctors to prescribe ineffective treatments, such as hormone replacement. And for so many people walking around with EBV, it gets misdiagnosed.
Among the reasons EBV is thriving: so little is understood about it. Medical communities are aware of only one version of EBV, but there are actually over 60 varieties. Epstein-Barr is behind several of the debilitating illnesses that stump doctors.
Doctors have no idea how the virus operates long-term and how problematic it can be. The truth is, EBV is the source of numerous health problems that are currently considered mystery illnesses, such as fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. EBV is also the cause of some major maladies that medical communities think they understand but really don’t—including thyroid disease, vertigo, and tinnitus. This chapter explains when the Epstein-Barr virus arose, how it’s transmitted, how it operates to create untold havoc in strategic stages no one knows about, and the steps (never revealed before) that can destroy the virus and restore health.
The information in this podcast and the article below is advanced, ahead of science and research, and is part of the Medical Medium information that has helped to heal millions of people worldwide. Please cite back to this original source so others have the opportunity to recover and get their lives back.
There are a lot of factors for each individual and a lot of variations and differences.
The list is large: fragrances, toxic metals, dead drinking water, chemicals, chem trails, fungicides and stress, just to name a few.
There is one group of exposures over the years in modern times that has pushed people’s health to the edge and its pathogens. Pathogen exposure is at the top of causes of mystery chronic illness and pathogens love to thrive when the body is weakened by metals, a variety of toxins and even unknowingly poor choices of foods.
One of the leading top pathogens causing a considerably large amount of chronic illness is EBV—Epstein-Barr Virus.