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Video: Healing POTS Syndrome

Healing POTS Syndrome

Healing POTS Syndrome

If you or someone you love have been diagnosed with Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS), there is likely a lot of confusion surrounding your doctors visits. Perhaps you have been told that your body is attacking itself and that taking medication is the only answer to managing this disease for the rest of your life. This prognosis can make people feel helpless, with no hope for their health to improve. It can be especially difficult having this particular disease because getting out of bed or standing up causes the symptoms of dizziness and lightheadedness, which then prevents you from doing anything at all.

While you may have been told that POTS is an autoimmune disease and that your body is inexplicably attacking itself, this is misguided information and should be discarded immediately. There is a real cause to your illness and a direct path to fighting it. The medical research community cannot provide helpful answers to those who are trying to heal from POTS because they have not put enough funding into studies that can actually direct them to the true cause. In this article I will share the true cause of POTS with you. The information provided in this article is not contaminated by internal funding, kickbacks, or trendy traps. This is a pure source of information that is here to help you and put you on the right path toward healing.

The Autoimmune Mistake

Thousands of people have been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease such as POTS. Patients are told that their bodies are working against them and making them sick, and they are told this as if it is verifiable fact. However, this “autoimmune” theory is just that, a theory. It is not fact that your body is attacking itself. There is not even scientific evidence to support this. The origin of this mistake dates back to the 1950s and 60s when women were coming down with symptoms in droves. This was the first time in history perfectly healthy women were suddenly becoming very sick. Doctors offices around the nation were filled with people complaining of mysterious symptoms like migraines, fatigue, brain fog, weight gain, and lightheadedness. Since medical research was focused on studying hormones at the time, it was the perfecting timing to blame these symptoms on hormones, even though there was no correlation to make such a conclusion about these mystery diseases. Hormone medications were in production and ready to be released, so the pharmaceutical industry knew they could make more money by telling these sick women they needed hormone therapy. 

However, one doctor with good intentions was not convinced hormones were the answer. He got funding and started his own research to try to find out the true cause of the mystifying diseases. He came across an antibody that had since then been undiscovered. The only thing this researcher could conclude was that the antibody existed. He could not explain where it came from, how it was produced, why it was produced, or even what it did. His team came up with multiple theories at the end of their search, simply because they needed to have some conclusion after all the money was spent on their work. One of the theories was that the antibody was produced by the body in order to attack itself, causing the myriad of symptoms patients were complaining about. The reason they landed on this particular theory was not because they had due reason that supported it, but because it made it extremely convenient for modern medicine as an institution. Not only did they now have this explanation for the symptoms that the rest of the world would readily believe, but this theory allowed them to point the blame on the sick person. Now it was not the fault of modern medicine, but the fault of the one who was sick. The one suffering became the scapegoat every single time someone came in complaining about symptoms that baffled the doctor.

The reason it is critical to understand the history of the autoimmune theory is because we must first accept that our body is not attacking itself. This is only a theory that has become law in modern medicine due to the perpetuation of a practice that keeps the healthcare industry safe from being blamed themselves. A relatable example that will probably sound familiar to you is the modern day research of genes. These days, the only research that gets decent funding is the kind that is related to genes. It is common practice to blame your genes and your heritage for any symptoms you may have. Lifestyle is often forgotten and not even part of the conversation because blaming your genes is yet another way researchers can blame you instead of taking the responsibility themselves. I share more about this ‘Autoimmune Confusion’ and the misguided gene theory in Thyroid Healing, along with other current trends and belief systems that are sadly harming many peoples’ health today.

The True Cause of POTS

If you have POTS, your body is not attacking itself. The reason I have to say this over and over is because we have been told this for so many years that we start to truly believe it, even if we have initial doubts. The truth is that POTS is a viral issue. There is a virus in your body that is causing the symptoms you are suffering from. I have to give credit where credit is due because modern medicine does have some inkling that POTS has to do with a virus but their theory is that a virus may possibly be a trigger. This is incorrect. The virus is not a trigger, the virus is the cause. However, that has only been a background explanation. POTS is still touted as being autoimmune, even while they have an idea that it is viral.

POTS is specifically a neurotoxin disorder. The neurotoxins are created by the virus called Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) sitting in the liver for a long period of time. This specific variety of EBV produces neurotoxins that float around and swell up the nerves, preventing you from exercising and causing brain fog. The liver’s job is to push blood up to the heart; however, if the bloodstream is full of neurotoxins, the heart will have to work much harder than normal, which is part of what makes you lightheaded when you stand up. The heart has to work so much harder in someone who has POTS because poison is saturating the liver. The poison not only goes into the bloodstream, but it also goes into the nerves and inflames them. To understand more about these poisons, how they affect the liver and its undiscovered functions, and how you can support your liver, check out Liver Rescue.

There is an actual antibody in those with POTS, the same antibody that is being blamed for attacking the body. However, it was created for an entirely different purpose. The antibody was actually created to fight Epstein-Barr Virus. The antibody is not fighting against you, but rather working for you. Its entire job is to help you fight off the pathogen that has gotten into your system, the one that is causing dizziness, lightheadedness, fainting, brain fog, and fatigue. This is good news. This means that your body is giving you a chance to truly heal, not keeping you from healing. 

Healing from POTS

The answer to healing from POTS begins with acknowledging, and truly believing, that your body is not attacking itself. Your body is working for you. Before you can begin to actually heal, you must recognize that there is a virus you are trying to fight. Afterall, how can you stop an intruder if you don’t know what your intruder is? This first step is absolutely essential.

The next step starts with learning what it looks like to live a lifestyle that fights viruses instead of promotes them. Food is often the first thing to change when healing from a disease that has been incorrectly labeled as autoimmune. However, be careful not to get trapped into a trendy diet that says you must lower your carbohydrates and increase your protein. 

There are many foods we have been told are carbs, like chocolate cakes, cookies, and donuts, and these are obviously things we should avoid if we want to heal. However, these foods are actually loaded with more fat than with carbs as they are typically cooked with lard, butter, oils, and other ingredients extremely high in fat. Additionally, these foods are full of gluten, sugar, preservatives, dyes, chemicals, and natural flavorings, all which are not helpful in lowering your viral load. Good carbs are things that are found in nature and they’re loaded with the nutrients and healing properties your body needs to heal. A diet that is healing for POTS is full of fruit, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and winter squash. If you have been told told to stay away from these foods, now is the time to bring them back in and know that they are some of the best foods for your body. Fruits and starchy vegetables have antiviral properties that will help you fight EBV and heal from POTS. Also, by eating more fruits, leafy greens, and vegetables, you are creating less and less room for the fatty and unhealthy foods that make your liver even more sluggish and help EBV to proliferate. Find out how to support your liver properly in Liver Rescue.

Focus on all kinds of fruit, leafy greens, and starchy vegetables. Keep animal protein to a minimum or eliminate it altogether while you’re healing because it slows down the healing process. Specifically, stay away from eggs, pork, and all dairy, no matter what mammal the milk has come from. These things feed EBV more than anything and should be avoided when you are trying to heal from POTS. To find out the best foods to include and delicious recipes for them, check out my books Life-Changing Foods and Thyroid Healing.

It’s helpful to consume at least four ounces of fresh celery juice daily and ideally 16 ounces per day. Celery juice contains undiscovered mineral salts that repair the central nervous system. Make this a daily ritual of yours while you begin to heal. Imagine the mineral salts saturating your nerve endings to reboot your whole system every time you drink it. 

Incorporate some good herbal teas into your daily routine as well. There are so many wonderful teas available to us today, such as nettle leaf, peppermint, lemon balm, and ginger. These herbal teas have effective antiviral properties, and they are also delicious. Try to snack on something every 45 minutes. This is a small but powerful tool for those healing from POTS. If you would like some ideas for healthy snack options, check out my 16 Snacks for Adrenal Fatigue that can be perfect for someone with POTS. 

There are many supplements we can include when healing. The following are some fantastic options that help fight EBV. To find out more about how to heal from EBV, reference my book Thyroid Healing.

Zinc sulfate boosts the immune system by strengthening white blood cells so that they can seek out and destroy EBV cells. 

Vitamin B12, as adenosylcobalamin with methylcobalamin, protects your entire body from EBV neurotoxin damage. A good methylfolate supplement may help you with your methylation issues alongside the B12. 

L-lysine acts as an anti-inflammatory to the entire nervous system by inhibiting and reducing EBV viral load. 

Licorice root destroys EBV cells, especially when they are in their second and third cycles. It is also one of the most powerful herbs for restoring the adrenal glands. 

Lemon balm kills off and repels viral and bacterial cells, all while strengthening lymphocytes so the immune system can further fight off the virus. 

Micro-C is especially good at getting rid of EBV over time, flushing out toxins, and building up the central nervous system. 

Goldenseal is a powerful herbal antibiotic and immune system enhancer that contains potent antibacterial properties. 

Moving Forward

It can be challenging to even begin to take healing steps when you have a disease like POTS because even the most menial tasks can be so exhausting. If you have friends and family who love and support you, lean on them and ask for help. It can be a game changer to have a strong support system who is fighting the virus with you. If you want to truly knock down EBV and gain your health back, ask someone to help you take your supplements. Juice celery with a family member every morning and make it part of your home life. Ask friends to come over to make new meals with you. Your friends and family want to see you better, and people often surprise us with abounding generosity when we simply ask for help. And if you don’t have anyone to ask for support, know that your body is your strongest support system. It is doing everything it can to fight EBV, and it will be even better able to fight it with this information and the right foods and supplements. One day a time, you can heal.

This item posted: 09-Feb-2018

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