Medical Medium Healing Essential

Video: In Just One Day My Itching Was Pretty Much Non-Existent

In Just One Day My Itching Was Pretty Much Non-Existent

In Just One Day My Itching Was Pretty Much Non-Existent

Repost from @elysha_broadbent

I had been itchy for almost a whole year! My entire body!

It started January 2022.

I just blew it off as allergies first.

But when every single surface of my body was itchy and wasn’t going away I knew something serious needed done!

So first I went to an NP. She told me to take some anti histamines and gave me some oral steroids.

As the itching continued I went to my PCP.

He said it was all in my head.

The itching continued after I tried to get it out of my head.

Then I broke out in hives months after itching.

I went to a PA.

She thought it was Candida/Fungal so she prescribed me oral antifungal and steroids.

Didn’t do anything.

I went back to my PCP with the hives. He didn’t know what it was.

He referred me to a dermatologist.

The dermatologist said it was hives and gave me a steroid shot and told me to take antihistamines.

I ended up with over 20 of these spots scattered on my body.

The hives went away but not the itching.

Three weeks later the hives came back.

There was no way I was going back for a doctor to push and prod my extremely painful extremely itchy hives again just to hear them guess or just want to give me steroids.

I knew about Medical Medium books and people having success with difficult health issues they were facing so I dove right in.

In just one day my itching was pretty much non existent.

No hives!

To have days after days now and not be itching all over my entire body I’m breathing a sigh of relief!

Thank you so much @medicalmedium! Happy momma here!

This item posted: 21-Dec-2022

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