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Honey, Orange, & Wild Blueberry Refresher
Honey, Orange, & Wild Blueberry Refresher

Honey, Orange, & Wild Blueberry Refresher

This wonderful drink is like sunshine in a glass! Freshly pressed orange juice combined with the deep flavor and color of wild blueberry juice, finished off with the natural sweetness of raw honey. Children and adults alike will find themselves seeking this deeply healing drink over and over again.

The rich antioxidant content of wild blueberries makes them a powerhouse food. In juice form, these berries are easily digested and absorbed into the body.

Oranges are abundant in a form of bioactive calcium you can’t get anywhere else. The body instantly absorbs this calcium, which means that these citrus beauties actually help regrow teeth, not destroy them. Their acid content is not destructive; rather, it works for you by dissolving kidney stones and gallstones.

The sugar in honey is nothing like processed sugar—don’t confuse it with table sugar or high-fructose corn syrup. Rather, because bees collect from plant species far and wide, the fructose and glucose in honey are saturated with more than 200,000 undiscovered phytochemical compounds and agents, including pathogen-killers, phytochemicals that protect you from radiation damage, and anti-cancerous phytochemicals.

Honey, Orange & Wild Blueberry Refresher



Combine the wild blueberry juice, orange juice and raw honey in a large glass and stir until the raw honey or maple syrup is dissolved. Add ice (if using) and serve immediately.

Serves 1

Get over 100 more delicious, healing recipes, order Brain Saver and its companion Brain Saver Protocols, Cleanses & Recipes.

I work with Wyman’s because I want to support this incredible wild blueberry juice that harbors special anthocyanins.

Categories: Fat Free, Grain Free, Nut and Seed Free, Drinks, Mocktails, Holiday, Holiday Drinks, Kid Friendly

This item posted: 12-May-2022

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