Medical Medium Healing Essential

Video: Gout



When the blood becomes thick and filled with an overflow of poisons from a dysfunctional liver for far too long, it carries a poisonous load—that is, it’s dirty blood. As a result, waste can settle in different areas of your body. The joints are one such place, because the joints in farther reaching points of your body are naturally places of lower circulation. Gout is really a serious liver condition.

It’s puzzling to think that crystals are viewed as the cause of gout when people exhibit the same gout symptoms without crystals present. That’s because crystals aren’t the cause of gout or the cause of gout’s pain—you have to go deeper. While having an improperly working liver doesn’t automatically translate to crystals, crystals do automatically translate to an improperly working liver. Crystals are just one component that happens to be found in a big batch of muck, and sometimes they’re not there—though plenty of troublemakers still are, such as the oxidation from heavy metals, the petroleum from pharmaceuticals, the neurotoxins and other viral debris from a pathogen living inside the liver, and more. Toxins and poisons have weight to them. When they flow to our extremities, they tend to sink and collect there because of their heavy nature.

Another common symptom that accompanies gout causes confusion: swelling in the extremities. This is caused by poor lymphatic circulation due to a stagnant, dysfunctional, compromised liver, with lymphatic fluid retention putting pressure on the nerves in various areas of the body.

People with gout should refrain from eating heavy proteins and fats; the more protein and fat they eat, the more sluggish the liver gets and the worse their symptoms become. This has nothing to do with a food belief system; it’s purely about what an individual with gout needs in order to heal. Reducing protein and fat in the diet gives gout (and pseudogout) sufferers relief, because it gives the liver a chance to recover and clean up the blood.

Find out more about how to heal gout, including foods to avoid, foods to eat, and supplements with dosages, in the NYT best-selling book, Cleanse To Heal.

This item posted: 21-Oct-2021

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