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Video: Epidemic of Sluggish Liver

Epidemic of Sluggish Liver

Epidemic of Sluggish Liver

We are dealing with an epidemic of sluggish liver today. Nine out of ten people, children included, have a sluggish liver without being aware of it. It might surprise you, but a sluggish liver is at the root of countless symptoms and conditions, including skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, and acne; weight gain; type 2 diabetes; chemical and food sensitivities; seasonal affective disorder; anxiety; depression; varicose veins; SIBO; bloating; and more. (A sluggish liver, by the way, is different than a fatty liver, which is a topic I’ll cover another time).

If you’re dealing with any health condition right now, the information I provide in my book Liver Rescue and here can help you heal. And if you’re not dealing with a condition, it can help you for the future. Even if you just have a minor symptom or two, the undiscovered information in Liver Rescue can help you. As I shared above, the liver is the crux of so many issues and medical science and research aren’t aware of this. Helping heal your liver is—without a doubt—one of the best and most critical things you can do for your health and wellbeing.

The Liver’s Essential Roles

First of all, it’s important to know that your liver is a serious workhorse. It works really, really hard for you, and it’s responsible for over 2,000 undiscovered critical chemical functions in the body.

The liver has many responsibilities, all of which are critical to you staying alive. One of the liver’s responsibilities is to purify and filter out harmful substances. It also neutralizes poisons, which means it stops toxins from being as harmful as they really are. That way, the toxins don’t harm your body as much when they leave the liver. When the liver becomes sluggish from years and decades of desperately protecting you, it loses its ability to neutralize, and the result is that people become sick or symptomatic and start to age before their time.

The liver also holds onto and orchestrates helpful substances, like nutrients, vitamins and the right balance of hormones, among many other incredible functions. 

How the Liver Becomes Sluggish

Unfortunately, it’s all too easy in today’s world for the liver to become overwhelmed. It can only do so much, after all. And we live in toxic times, where poisons from chemicals, old DDT, pesticides and insecticides are everywhere from our groceries to our carpet. We absorb those toxins through the air, through food and through our skin, and they end up in the liver. 

A second category of poison is toxic heavy metals, and that includes mercury, lead, cadmium, aluminum, copper, nickel, steel, and more.

Pathogens—that is, viruses and bacteria—are a third major burden on the liver. Our bodies are full of undiscovered strains of streptococcus and Epstein-Barr for instance, and these viruses cause a multitude of health problems. We are exposed to pathogens in many different ways, such as sharing a drink, touching a dirty door handle and then rubbing our eyes, or through intimacy with a partner. Pathogens get into the liver and from there they feed off toxic heavy metals and other toxins and foods in the body. After feeding off these substances, they then eliminate and excrete the neurotoxins and dermatoxins I discuss in Liver Rescue. Medical communities are still unaware that pathogens feed and eliminate in our bodies, which is one of the main reasons why there is no true understanding of what really causes chronic illness in the medical and alternative health worlds. 

All of those burdens—the chemical toxins, the heavy metals and pathogens—can actually be passed down the family line from generation to generation. That means a baby born today can, unfortunately, inherit some of grandma’s DDT and heavy metal exposure and great grandpa’s strain of Epstein-Barr virus, shingles, streptococcus (all of which have multiple undiscovered strains) or any other pathogens that may be in the family line. It’s important to know this doesn’t mean it’s in your genes. It’s inherited, which as I explain in my books, is entirely different to a genetic DNA issue.

In addition to the toxins in our environment, we also harm our livers through our diet and lifestyle choices. We burden the liver with medications (which of course are sometimes necessary,) recreational drugs, and alcohol. Eating a high-protein and high fat diet is also a major, unrecognized burden and as I explain in Liver Rescue, almost all of us have been eating a high diet knowingly or unknowingly since we started on solid food. If you think this isn’t true for you, it’s important to read the truths I share on this topic in Liver Rescue. Diet trends today, regardless of whether they are plant or animal based, suggest that eating lots of protein and fat is the healthiest way to eat, but this isn’t accurate. In truth, high protein and high fat diets force the liver to do a tremendous amount of work that could have been avoided. The liver is already bombarded with processing, filtering, and disarming chemicals, toxic heavy metals, viruses, bacteria, medications, drugs, and alcohol. It doesn’t need to add fat and protein to that list, but that’s exactly what it’s been forced to do since the beginning due to the way we eat today. And to add yet another troublemaker to the list, the stressful times we live in means that our adrenal glands are pumping out large amounts of adrenaline, which is corrosive in the body, and the liver has to contend with that too. For a full list of the hundreds of what I call “Liver Troublemakers,” read my chapter on this topic in Liver Rescue.

To make matters worse, many people are chronically dehydrated, and having enough hydration is critical for the liver to function properly. You can be dehydrated from the time you’re a baby, or from the time you’re three or four years old without knowing it. So sometimes people have been chronically dehydrated for years or decades, which has been making your liver’s job much harder. 

It’s All Too Much

When some or all of those issues lead the liver to become sluggish, what happens is the liver’s bile reserves break down and bile production weakens. Strong bile is important because bile is one of the ways toxins are carried out of the liver. Bile carries toxins into the colon so they can be eliminated in feces. Plus, whenever you eat fat, your liver releases bile to break it down and deliver the fat to your body as an energy source. This process is a lot more complicated and vital than it sounds. The problem is that the liver isn’t meant to be producing a lot of bile all the time. And the more bile it has produce, the more it wears out the liver and makes it sluggish. 

When the liver is sluggish and bile production isn’t sufficient for the amount of fat someone is consuming in their diet, the fat stores have to go somewhere. The fat ends up going to the lining of the digestive tract, where it feeds harmful bacteria such a streptococcus. Also, since the liver is overloaded and the bile can’t break down all the fat anymore, the stomach loses it’s hydrochloric acid, which is essential for proper digestion and absorption of nutrients. That causes bloating or gut rot, and people end up with a diagnosis of SIBO, but the true reason isn’t understood. In truth, the majority of the inner workings of the liver are still unknown by medical communities. For a full explanation, refer to Liver Rescue.

Different Types of Sluggish Liver

It’s going to be several decades before science and research learns that there are actually five varieties of sluggish liver. Different symptoms result from different parts of the liver being sluggish: the middle of the liver, the bottom of the liver, top of the liver, left side of the liver, and the right side of the liver. In Liver Rescue I share the symptoms that can come when each one of these part of the liver is sluggish. Someone can have just one or all five parts of the liver be sluggish. 

Now let’s take a look at a handful of conditions and symptoms someone with a sluggish liver may experience and why. It’s very important to note that these explanations are very brief and do not cover all the details behind and involved in how these conditions and symptoms develop. For a full understanding, please read Liver Rescue as I can only scratch the surface here. 

Eczema, Psoriasis and Other Mysterious Skin Conditions

Contrary to popular belief, eczema and psoriasis aren’t autoimmune issues, they’re actually rooted in the liver. These and many other mysterious skin conditions are caused by a virus that’s feeding off a toxin. In the case of eczema and psoriasis, it’s usually one of the many strains of Epstein-Barr virus (or another virus) feeding off copper and sometimes mercury. The virus then eliminates what I call a dermatoxin, which the body tries to detoxify by sending it out through the skin. As it sends it through the skin, it creates irritation and inflammation. 


An overloaded liver can also cause acne, though in this case it’s because streptococcus is living in the liver and has traveled through the lymphatic system to under the skin where it causes acne. In Liver Rescue, I explain why acne appears on the skin where it does and why it varies by person. Acne gets worse during certain hormonal cycles such as puberty or menstruation because the immune system drops in those times. The body is expending more energy on the hormonal cycle than the immune system, which allows the strep bacteria to strengthen and lead to more breakouts. Remember that stress too has a hormonal component, because the body pumps out certain hormones when we’re under stress. Learn more about eczema, psoriasis and acne in Liver Rescue.

Type 2 Diabetes

Science and research believe type 2 diabetes has everything to do with sugar consumption and insulin resistance. But again, it actually has everything to do with the liver. It’s not just about the pancreas because the liver protects the pancreas, and when the liver is toxic and sluggish, it can’t properly protect the pancreas anymore. You might be surprised to learn that it’s fat that should be minimized or avoided when you have diabetes, not sugar. When people start exercising and eating a diet with less fat, the liver starts recovering and they can reverse the type 2 diabetes (though they still may have a sluggish liver and need to take more steps to address that). For more on how this works, please refer to Liver Rescue.

Weight Gain

Weight gain comes down to the liver also. While two other factors, the thyroid and the adrenals, can often be involved, it’s important to know that they both lead back to the liver. When the liver gets bogged down by everything it has to process, bile breaks down also. And when bile breaks down, it can’t process fat, and so fat builds up in the bloodstream and the gut. When that happens, people can put on weight on really quickly. (Note that some people can also be skinny and still have a sluggish liver).

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

I have a whole chapter in Liver Rescue about seasonal affective disorder (SAD). It’s actually not about the seasons so much as how people change their diet and lifestyle habits in different seasons. In the summertime your liver does better because you tend to be outside exercising, walking more, eating fresh fruit and salads and also getting more sun—and sun is one element that helps the liver. In winter, people tend to exercise less, stay indoors more and eat fewer fresh foods and more high fat, high sugar foods. These diet and lifestyle changes trigger an underlying issue that already exists in the body, which is sluggish liver due to pathogens, toxins, heavy metals, and more. The diet and lifestyle changes still aren’t the cause, but the trigger to what is already at work in the body.

As I said, these descriptions are only a hint of what’s happening to create these symptoms and conditions, To get the full truth about all of these conditions and many more in Liver Rescue. For more on these conditions plus many more, including varicose veins, spider veins, dark circles under the eyes, chemical sensitivities, SIBO, strep, gout, PANDAS, jaundice, digestive issues and so much more, please read the information I share in Liver Rescue.

The Liver Over Time

When people are younger they often don’t show the signs of a sluggish liver yet because it takes time—sometimes decades—for the liver to start to burn out and for symptoms to appear. Some people do experience symptoms when they’re young though—I’ve seen teenagers with hypoglycemia for instance. But eventually the toxin level starts to catch up with us. Whether symptoms show or not, someone can still have a sluggish liver and as you know by now, most people do.

The Liver’s Warning System

The liver has what can be described as an anti-sluggish emergency alarm response. This is a chemically induced response that brings new vital energy to break up stagnancy. The response is a liver spasm. This spasm can result in a tingle, a twitch, a slight ache, warmth, heat, pulling, bloating, a prick, a stitch in the side, or—much of the time—no feeling at all. It usually occurs quietly, with little or no discernable sensation, though it does bring renewal to that portion of the liver that spasmed and allow the liver to temporarily regain some control.

Why Deficiencies Result

Our livers are gatekeepers, and when they’re so filled up and worn down and distracted with the all the troublemakers they have to process and disarm, they can’t keep in the good things like the nutrients we need to function and thrive. Just like toxins can be passed along through our family line, so can helpful nutrients. So our livers are filled with vitamins and minerals and other nutrients from our mom, and from her mom.

The liver wants to hold onto and manage those nutrients, but it can’t if it’s preoccupied dealing with the liver troublemakers. When the liver has to release nutrients, it can lead to deficiencies.

A lot of people are getting blood work to see if nutrient deficiencies are triggering health problems. But the root of the issue—what’s causing those deficiencies in the first place—is often a sluggish liver, and this isn’t known. 

How to Help Rescue Your Liver and Move Forward

I lay out all the details of how to support your liver and recover your health in Liver Rescue, but I want to give you a great start to healing and getting better right now. Here are some ways to help your liver:

Cut back on fat and protein. You don’t need as much as you think. I know there’s a trend toward high-protein and high-fat diets right now, but the truth is fat and protein bog down your liver and prevent it from effectively filtering toxins. Yes, even healthy fats. It’s best to eliminate dairy and eggs completely for the reasons I share in Liver Rescue, but if you eat animal protein like chicken, beef, and fish, try limiting your intake to a small piece once a day or once every other day because all animal foods naturally contain a lot of fat. If you eat a plant based diet, try reducing your oils, nuts, seeds, and avocado. Reducing fats no matter what kind of diet you eat is a powerful way to support your liver.

Eliminate fat from your morning meal. Focus the morning hours on fresh fruit, fresh juices, smoothies or smoothie bowls made with fruit, and vegetables. Eat as much as you’d like and graze over the morning on more fruits. One apple and one banana isn’t enough. You want to still get plenty of calories so you need to eat a lot more of these foods than you would eggs and bacon or cereal and milk for example. This break from fats in the morning gives your liver more time to do its clean up job each day.

Increase your hydration. Make sure you’re drinking plenty of lemon or lime water, coconut water, and some fresh fruit and green juices. Fresh salads, fruits and berries will help you hydrate too.

Drink pure celery juice every morning on an empty stomach. As many of you already know, this is a fundamental tool Spirit and I recommend for health and healing. Celery juice is a golden ticket to health. Drink 16oz on an empty stomach every morning. Read more about celery juice on the blog

Read the Liver Rescue book. It has unknown information and tools that will serve you and your loved ones for a lifetime. No matter what illness or symptom you or a loved one have or if you simply want to be in the best health possible, Liver Rescue will be helpful for you. 

Thank you for being here. As you take these steps to heal, know that I stand behind you. I believe in you, and I care. Take it one day at a time and know that every positive change you make and every step forward you take matters and will help. Bless your heart, bless your soul.

This item posted: 05-Oct-2018

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