Medical Medium Healing Essential

Video: Cat's Claw: Life-Changing Herb

Cat's Claw: Life-Changing Herb

Cat's Claw: Life-Changing Herb

Cat’s claw is one of the most powerful resources for helping to reverse the epidemic of chronic and mystery illness in the 21st century. Cat’s claw can aid in alleviating almost any symptom, from neurological to digestive.

Cat’s claw helps eliminate the parasite Babesia and bacteria such as Bartonella and other bugs without the so-called Herxheimer die-off reaction so common with antibiotics, because the bioactive pharma-compounds in the herb regulate the destruction of pathogens so that it’s at a level the individual person can tolerate.

Cat’s claw is also incredible at fighting viruses. Eventually medical research will discover a group of antiviral adaptogens, and scientists will realize that cat’s claw is at the top of that list.

This herb is a powerful aid for battling PANDAS (pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infections), ALS, strep throat, MS, mystery aches and pains, and more.

Cat’s claw is also remarkable for its ability to help rid the body of the infamous strep, which is frequently misdiagnosed as yeast or Candida.

Take a bottle of cat’s claw tincture with you as part of your emergency kit when you’re traveling. Over the course of your trip, when you can remember, take small doses of the tincture. It’s a wonderful tool to protect your immunity and help guard against malaria and bacterial infections.

How To Use:
Cat’s Claw can be taken as a liquid tincture (look for alcohol-free as alcohol cancels out the beneficial effects of the herb) or drink it as a tea. You can refer to the Medical Medium Directory for preferred supplements and teas that are high-quality. Check out Cleanse To Heal for exact supplement and dosage recommendations for over 200 symptoms and conditions.

For more information on the healing properties of cat’s claw and which symptoms and conditions it can help with, check out the New York Times best-selling book, Medical Medium Life-Changing Foods: Save Yourself and the Ones You Love with the Hidden Healing Powers of Fruits & Vegetables, and the other books in the Medical Medium series.

This item posted: 18-Mar-2021

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