Medical Medium Living Words

Medical Medium Living Words, from the Medical Medium Podcast:

Apple Cider Vinegar: Teeth Dissolver

The information in this podcast and the article below is advanced, ahead of science and research, and is part of the Medical Medium information that has helped to heal millions of people worldwide. Please cite back to this original source so others have the opportunity to recover and get their lives back.

Apple Cider Vinegar: Teeth Dissolver

There are so many things out there, to pick and choose from,

Which ones are safe, which ones are wrong, which ones save face,

Which ones help us along,

To help us get better, to help us mend our lives together,

Who would know, which should stay, and which should go, who would know,

When you haven't been pushed into a corner, with something that's ailing you,

Then it's easy to soldier on, and easy sailing with no storms,

You feel you have all the time in the world, as if time was something you can place an order for,

And have it quickly delivered and brought to your door,

It's a luxury, to never have to think about,

Whatever is in your food, and whatever enters your mouth,

Not ever thinking about, your health going down the highway and heading south,

And someday letting you down and giving out,

And if it does fall apart for you someday, I wish you had every choice, so it could have gone the other way,

No one told you that an apple a day was a word from the wise, that went astray,

And then was brutalized, and then we were hypnotized, to think the aged liquid from an apple would be normalized,

And it would give our body something good, and not be traumatized,

Only to wake up from a dream and find out, we were all mesmerized,

Does it really matter, when acid sours our blood, and makes our body sadder,

Pushes us down to the ground, as our body frowns,

Our resilience bounces back, we're on track, we take it in stride,

Are we really at our last tether,

Ready to give in, and tell the acid goodbye, so we can get better,

Your body has a divine message instilled deep within its tissue,

That will fight for you, to the end of time, with no issue,

And will never relinquish or give into losing you,

It will stay above the water,

Stay above the banter,

Your body can override anything,

It will never saunter,

You can rise out of the ashes,

See, I believe in you,

And I know, you can heal.

This item posted: 02-Nov-2020

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